Friday, September 25, 2009

A - Z

A – Amazing!

B – B is for Bianca is my name,

C - cats witch I despite more than anything in the world

D –my one of my best friend’s name, her name is Danielle.

E – Extraordinary

F – Facebook! Is my favorite website.

G –my dead pet goldfish bitty :(

H – Honesty

I –cookies and cream ice cream! My favorite kind there is.

J dadadadda ,

K-kool-aid, (cherry) is my favorite kind of juice i always have it at my best friends Brittany house..

L –my families lake house where we go tubing and jet skiing,

M – Money

N-Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals


P- I love taking pictures and love pictures in black and white.

Q –not quite, always loud

R -rebellious

S-shopping is something i do alot, and have alot of clothes

T – takes everything as a joke.

U –unicorns named Charlie,my favorite <3333>

V- Venus my favorite planet! Besides earth of course (:

W – Wonderful

X - xenophobia

Y- yo gabba gabba! one of my favorite little kid shows.

Z – Zebra print my favorite type of pattern in the worrrllllddd.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Kind Of Communicator Are You?

What kind of communicator are you? I’m the kind of person who likes to talk in every way; I like to talk on Facebook/MySpace, texting, on the phone & in person. I’m a pretty good listener and a good talker.
When talking in person I sometimes get distracted by the other things that are in front of me and get lost. But texting can get annoying fast, trying to push all these little buttons in a matter of minutes and all the short fraise words. If anything I like to talk on the computer.

I HATE when people IM/text you saying “hey! whatsup” or “hey what are you doing?” and the conversation gets nowhere and they ask you the same question about 10,000 times. I like small conversations that no one will really remember.
I usually talk to my 4 girl best friends, & all my guy friends on a regular basis, (at school / on the phone) but I’m not the person who gets along with a lot of girls. So I mostly have about 8 friends who are girls. 4 of them are my best friends. I Hate drama that’s my main reason why me and girls don’t get along. I find it way easier to talk to boys.

I only talk about personal things to about one or two people. But it’s not hard for me to talk to people.
I just don’t like opening up. You will rarely see me opening up and talking about my feelings and stuff with a lot of people. It’s not my thing but I love listening to others people’s stories. I hate when people
Type like “H@Y Y0 WhAtUp s0n7!” that makes me so annoyed and mad that I don’t even want to talk to them anymore. You mostly get those kinds of comments on MySpace. But I’m a pretty good listener so G@M if you wan
t to talk. (:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My First Week At Stevenson

My First week and a half here at Stevenson is pretty overwhelming; the hall ways are way too crowded, the classes are way too filled and the lunch room has way too many kids & long lines for food. It gets hot in this school way to fast & it’s not a big school so everywhere you go you’re always getting pushed, shoved or someone is stepping on the back of your shoes.

But I like how the school has many different activities and clubs. I know I’ll probably never join them but it’s cool. I love how much freedom we have here. At my old middle school we never had any of it. We can eat outside for lunch, hug people without getting dentition, listen to our IPods at lunch and its nice knowing you don’t have like 5 teachers watching your every move and listening to your conversations.

I love going to the football & soccer games here. I’m pretty excited for the dances too. I’ve made a couple of new friends and I’m still making more. I like how we don’t get much homework. I only get homework in like one or two classes, but I kind of like it here. Well its home for the next four years so I’m going to half to like it (: